
The Datil Pepper is a unique and unusually flavorful pepper that is quickly gaining popularity throughout the world. Originally from the Ancient City of St. Augustine, Florida, it has been enjoyed in the region for centuries. Though it is not as widely known as other peppers such as the jalapeño or habanero, the Datil Pepper deserves just as much attention and recognition for its remarkable flavor and versatility.

The Ancient City Datil Pepper Company is on a mission to increase awareness about this wonderful pepper and to ensure its longevity in the culinary world. Our team consists of passionate and dedicated individuals who are committed to preserving the memory of this pepper and its remarkable flavor.

The Datil Pepper has a unique flavor that comes from its combination of hot and sweet notes; it is this inexplicable combination that makes it so popular. It is incredibly versatile and can be used in recipes ranging from Latin-American to Asian. It can be added to salads, soups, sauces, and roasted veggies.

The Ancient City Datil Pepper Company takes great pride in supporting local farmers and providing customers with the necessary knowledge, resources and tools to learn more about this special pepper. By attending local cooking classes and festivals, we strive to bring together chefs and passionate enthusiasts to learn all about the Datil Pepper and its potential uses. We are committed to promoting the unique flavor of the Datil Pepper and preserving its rich history.

Our mission is to inspire people to appreciate and enjoy the unique flavor of the Datil Pepper and to help keep its memory alive. By providing resources, tools, and knowledge, we hope to expand awareness about this special pepper, ensuring its continued presence in the culinary world. We are passionate about the Datil Pepper and want the history and flavor of this special pepper to continue for generations to come.